Why Rezalliance ?
Focus on a systemic problem
Symptoms of organizational dysfunction
Harassment and discrimination in the workplace are major symptoms of dysfunction and factors of exclusion. Whether these acts are conscious or not, they are part of a system that allows them to be repeated, often without the people who perpetuate or suffer them fully realizing their impact on both the individual and societal levels.
Strengthening inclusion
Any action aimed at neutralizing harassment and discrimination immediately reinforces inclusion within the environment concerned. To be effective, these actions require a coordinated approach between the various disciplines involved, enabling the problem to be tackled at all levels.
REZALLIANCE is a non-profit association pioneering an interdisciplinary and intersectional approach to combating harassment in all its forms in the workplace, and promoting the inclusion of all the diversities that make up the human spectrum.

We federate a strong and inclusive network of committed multi-disciplinary professionals and determined organizations who wish to rally their skills and strengths around key values to inspire and encourage concrete action at all levels to create safer, more secure and equitable working environments.

We develop strategic partnerships to promote effective and constructive solutions to the complex challenges of harassment in the workplace.

We help individuals and organizations cultivate their resilience, accompanying them in their reconstruction and positive transformation after experiences of harassment or discrimination.
Our values
Integrity – Justice – Inclusion: Three core values that serve as a compass to keep our raison d’être in sight at all times: To make the journey from diversity to inclusion easier and more rewarding for employers and employees alike (m/f/x).
Our approach and initiatives
Our multi-disciplinary approach enables us to gain a global understanding of the issues, analyzing them systemically and holistically, with a particular focus on intersectionality.
We run awareness and prevention campaigns through various initiatives:
- The International Day against Harassment and for Inclusion in the World of Work (www.24may.org), initiated in 2022 with events organized on May 24 and throughout the year.
- Podcasts: Special series tackling the theme of inclusion from all angles, each episode subsidized or sponsored by individual or institutional supporters.
- Training workshops to learn how to prevent and manage risk situations. Subsidized by institutional partners.
- Provision of a tool for collecting feedback, accessible free of charge to any target or witness of harassment in the workplaceSymptoms of organizational dysfunction.

The relevance of an ecosystem dedicated to solving a human, business and social problem.

Who are we?
A network of professionals from diverse backgrounds, forming an alliance around humanist values, with the central mission of strengthening inclusion in the world of work:
50+ members
10+ nationalities
20+ areas of expertise: law, science, health, sociology, coaching, research, etc.

Executive Committee
The mission of the Executive Committee is to define the association’s strategies, objectives, programs and activities: The members of the Executive Committee have experience and expertise in the fields addressed by REZALLIANCE.
Advisory Board
The Advisory Board acts as a sounding board for the Executive Committee, providing strategic advice and assistance: its members bring key skills in various fields to support Rezalliance’s missions.
They talk about us