
Did you know that Human Resources was not originally intended to protect employees, but rather to preserve the productivity of companies?

A historical reminder is necessary: The emergence of Human Resources dates back to the beginning of the 20th century, at a time when industrialization has upset the world of work. Faced with the growth of large companies and the rise of unions, employers have set up “welfare offices” to avoid strikes and calm conflicts with employees. The goal: to offer social benefits to dissuade employees from joining unions.

Initially influenced by Taylorism, the HR function focused mainly on optimizing productivity. With the emergence of industrial relations in the 1920s and 1930s, conflict management, training and occupational safety have gradually integrated the scope of HR.

It was only after the Second World War that the function began to adopt an approach more oriented towards the motivation and well-being of individuals. But despite these developments, the focus of the HR function often remains focused on the needs of the organization rather than on those of the individuals who work there.

It is difficult to maintain the commitment of employees if they do not feel listened to, valued and respected in their integrity. So, what concrete actions must be implemented to humanize the management of individuals and thus create a work environment where the well-being of people goes hand in hand with the performance of the organization?

It is around these fundamental questions that we exchanged with Claudia Saviaux Druliolle (HR Manager of the Municipality of Meyrin) and Pascal Wagner-Egger (Teacher-Researcher in Social Psychology) on October 15th. In this article, I tried to summarize the very rich content of this evening with the most striking excerpts from the interventions and images capturing the particular atmosphere that reigned that evening.

I wish you a good reading ✨


At the beginning of the meeting, I began by recalling what makes Rezalliance unique, which combines an NGO and a consulting firm, Rez-care.com, to form a unique organization dedicated to the promotion of inclusion and the prevention of harassment in the professional sphere. It is an ecosystem of multidisciplinary experts committed to a safer, fairer and more peaceful world of work. I then explained the genesis of the International Day Against Harassment and for Inclusion in the World of Work. This decisive initiative, launched on May 24, 2022, has become an annual meeting that brings together key actors from the academic, political, institutional and business fields, to encourage collective and individual action.

The 2023 and 2024 editions, respectively organized in Geneva in partnership with the Fédération des Entreprises Romandes, and in Belgium in collaboration with the Brussels Chamber of Commerce, brought together key players such as the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Labour Office (ILO) and the European Commission.

Claudia Saviaux Druliolle

Claudia Saviaux Druliolle

From well-treatment to the creation of communities of practice

Claudia Saviaux Druliolle is a recognized human resources expert, having worked in public administration, private and education. It is distinguished by its commitment to well-treating work environments.

During her speech, she explained the necessary distinction between the concepts of benevolence and well-treatment. If benevolence is a positive intention, good treatment is manifested in the concrete experience of individuals, who need to feel valued and well treated. A pragmatic vision that involves rethinking managerial practices to move from discourse to action.

She emphasized the importance of providing regular feedback to teams, feedback that allows individuals to develop and progress. But this feedback should not only be useful. It is essential not to neglect “beauty feedback”, which can only come from a peer who masters the very essence of the profession. These two types of feedback complement each other to allow each person to progress, to acquire sustainable skills, beneficial throughout the career.

Another strong point of his speech was agency and congruence. She stressed the importance of team autonomy and the alignment of organizational values with internal practices. She encouraged employers to create communities of practices where employees can help each other and share their knowledge in a spirit of companionship, an essential concept to give meaning to collective work.

Pascal Wagner-Egger

The impact of cognitive biases on human management

Pascal Wagner is a teacher-researcher in social psychology and statistics at the University of Fribourg; his research combining cognitive psychology and social psychology, focuses more specifically on paranormal beliefs and conspiracy theories, but also racism and sexism.

Co-author of “Beware of your brain: 30 cognitive biases described and explained to make less mistakes and better reason”, his speech offered a crucial perspective on the influence of cognitive biases in organizational practices such as recruitment and performance evaluation. He explained how these unconscious mental shortcuts can distort our judgment and lead to unobjective decisions, often influenced by stereotypes and prejudices.

For Pascal, raising managers’ awareness of these mental traps is essential to lead to fairer decisions, which will make it possible to implement humane and equitable management of individuals based on real skills rather than erroneous perceptions.

Joëlle Payom

A vision for the future: See you on May 23, 2025

Moving from human resources management to a truly human approach to individuals is a key challenge for companies and organizations. Today, responsible employers must demonstrate their commitment to the inclusion, equity and well-being of their employees.

Since 2020, Rezalliance has been acting in this direction, and it was a pleasure to celebrate the fourth anniversary of our organization during the same evening in the presence of members, customers and partners committed to our side.

Retrospective in pictures – Exclusive Meeting of 15.10.2024

And then?

The action continues with two appointments not to be missed!

🔜 February 20, 2025: Next Exclusive Meeting (details will be communicated in early January).

🗓️ May 23, 2025: The 4th edition of the International Day against Harassment and Inclusion in the World of Work will take place in Geneva. It will be an opportunity to reaffirm our collective commitment to a more secure and equitable world of work for every human being, whatever our differences.

Thank you for reading me. Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about Rezalliance’s activities.

Joëlle Payom – Founding President


Kaufman, B. E. (2007) The Historical Development of American HRM Broadly Viewed.

Jacoby, S. M. (1985). Employing Bureaucracy: Managers, Unions, and the Transformation of Work in American Industry.

Mayo, E. (1933) The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization