
Acting together for inclusive and high performing workplaces

On May 24, 2022, the International Day against Harassment and Inclusion in the World of Work was launched. This international day proposal was born from a collaboration between two organizations Rezalliance, represented by Joelle Payom and StrukturELLE represented by Maya Dougoud.




Harassment is defined as a lack of duty to duty imposed by the legal order[2], a form of violence[3] that aims to destabilize, inferiorize, isolate, marginalize or even exclude one or more people. Harassment is a form of abuse of a position of power and can be manifested by acts of physical and/or psychological violence. Harassment manifests itself in three forms: moral[4], sexual[5] and environmental. In particular, the 45 actions[6] constituting mobbing to which are added sexual harassment behaviors and discrimination are considered intortun.

Harassment impacts the world of work as a whole: human and financial resources, people and structures. In total, one-third of active people reported unwelcome behaviour in the past year. This rate is half over the entire working life.

Human and economic costs are enormous and require international consideration, a thorough approach and cross-cutting incident management.



The International Day against Harassment and Inclusion in the World of Work addresses all hierarchical levels and all expressions of competence.

Although other days address the themes of work-harassment-inclusion, no day approaches these topics in a direct, transversal and chronic way.

Indeed, for example, the World Day for Safety and Health at Work focuses on physical safety, the zero discrimination day focuses on discrimination without a targeted perspective related to the world of work. As for the equal-pay day, a day with a national spectrum, it addresses the economic consequence of a facet of the problem.

The problem is systemic although the theme is sufficiently documented. Thus, for example, on the balance of issues and commitments, it is demonstrated that:

  • The fact that an inclusive working world, through ethnic and cultural diversity in the management team, is 36% more profitable;
  • The fact that a more inclusive working world, by more women in management teams, is 25% more profitable.

However, the enhancement of inclusion and the inclusive perspective of the theme are lacking. Intervention on violence in the world of work is not managed in an interdependence of causes and consequences. This is why this day against harassment and for inclusion in the world of work is distis et des conséquences. C’est pourquoi, cette journée contre le harcèlement et pour l’inclusion dans le monde du travail se distingue par sa spécification.



This international day is co-constructed by Rezalliance and StrukturELLE, on the initiative of Joëlle Payom in collaboration with Maya Dougoud.

Rezalliance is a non-profit association, based in Geneva, with the aim of stemming harassment and discrimination in all forms and strengthening inclusion at work in order to safeguard the integrity of employees with respect for all demographic and cognitive differences. The result of a lived experience, Rezalliance is an ecosystem made up of multidisciplinary experts whose coordinated actions make it possible to provide a systemic response to a systemic problem.

Joëlle Payom, Founder and President of Rezalliance. Speaker and consultant in psychosocial and reputational risk management

StrukturELLE is a non-profit organization, based in Fribourg, composed of an association, a foundation and an academic institute that works to support and guarantee good governance as well as integrity, equality and objectivity in decision-making processes. StrukturELLE is committed to progress in the functioning of structures and to implementing clear, transparent, objective procedures, which are essential elements for society’s confidence in public and private institutions and their ability to operate.

Maya Dougoud, Associate Professor HEG-FR, HES-SO, Founder and Co-President of StrukturELLE



By registering May 24, a day against harassment and for inclusion in the world of work in international concerns, we invite all actors to consider not only the extent of the problem but also to organize themselves for inclusive, multifactorial, multilateral, interconnected, interdisciplinary and transversal solutions.

“To overcome all forms of harassment in the world of work and to value inclusion, we must act as quickly as possible but as slowly as necessary. ”

Rezalliance and StrukturELLE

“Act together for inclusive and successful organizations”

Joelle Payom

“Impose an action beyond expressing an intention”

Maya Dougoud

With the support of:

Micheline Calmy-Rey, former President of the Swiss Confederation, in 2007 and 2011, Member of the Swiss Federal Council from 2003 to 2011


With the active participation of:

Fribourg School of Management (HEG-FR, HES-SO)

Philippe Pozzo di Borgo, writer whose story inspired the award-winning film “The Untouchables”

Olivier Sandoz, Deputy Director of the Federation of French-speaking Companies, Geneva

Rokhaya Diallo, journalist, TV and radio presenter, director and writer

Roxane Sheybani, President of the Human Rights Commission – Geneva Bar Association

Kim Smouter, Director at European Network Against Racism

“The reality of human nature is that we are vulnerable. Real sense leads us to respect the other, because we need the other. Life exists only in the relationship with the other” Philippe Pozzo Di Borgo

“We must absolutely do everything possible to combat all forms of discrimination and harassment within companies and society in general. It is a noble and essential mission.” Olivier Sandoz

“A common day during which we would reflect on the implications of harassment in the professional setting” Rokhaya Diallo

“As long as politicians do not consider that it is up to the State to monitor on the one hand and punish on the other hand, companies that practice harassment and discrimination, we will never reach a solution” Roxane Sheybani

«There is an economic cost to exclusion for the society, it is important to have a day which puts the focus on these issues, to become more aware about the complexity, the expression and the prevalence of these issues »  Kim Smouter

The Federal Council is committed to a world of work free of violence and harassment[7]

Bern, 18.05.2022 – On 18 May 2022, the Federal Council adopted a message on the ratification of Convention No. 190 of the International Labour Organization (ILO) of 2019 on the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work. The Convention contains the first definition of violence and harassment in the world of work that is concluded internationally. It creates the framework conditions for making it possible to engage globally in a more coherent and supportive way in favor of decent work.

By ratifying the convention, Switzerland reaffirms the need to respect everyone’s right to work free of violence and harassment, to promote it and to turn it into reality. The agreement provides for a legal prohibition of violence and harassment in the world of work as well as measures to prevent and assist victims.

The ILO adopted Convention No. 190 on the occasion of its centenary simultaneously with the centenary declaration for the future of work in 2019. These two instruments represent an important step towards strengthening the mandate and activity of the ILO in the field of promoting decent work in the world. The Federal Council has submitted to the Federal Assembly a report on the Centennial Declaration.


With the active support of:

Swiss Handicap Home Foundation

La Fer Geneva (Federation of French-speaking Companies)

100 women in finance (international association)

500 Women Scientists Switzerland (local association of an international organization)

European Network Against Racism (ENAR)

Mexican Products GMBH (distribution company of authentic Mexican products)

Gakomo SA and Gakomo Africa (distribution company of authentic African products)

Gay Leadership Network

SWONET (Swiss Women Network)

“16 days against violence against women”

Cfd – die feministische Friedensorganisation

BPW SWITZERLAND (Business & Professional Women)

SSD Analysis and Development Sàrl (Health, Social and Diversity)

Swiss Ladies Drive GmbH

League of Leading Ladies (Sandra-Stella Triebl)

ALBA (Lawyers at the Bar)

Männer.ch (redging association of Swiss progressive organizations of men and fathers)

Swiss Fathers’ Network (network for diversity, inclusion and reconciliation between family and professional life)

Speakture GmbH

EQality by Zita Küng


WBASNY (Women’s Bar Association of the State of New York)

Institute for African Women in Law

VPOD/SSP (Schweizerische Verband des Personals öffentlicher Dienste (VPOD), Swiss Union of Public Services (SSP), Swiss Union of Public Services and Sociosanitary Services (VPOD), Sindicat svizzer from the public service (SSP)

>Visit the dedicated website for more details: www.24may.org