
Acting together for inclusive and high performing workplaces

  • A first year marked by projects realized thanks to the support of some volunteers based in French-speaking Switzerland, Ticino and Paris.
  • A successful evening of celebration and support with more than forty members and allies present.
  • A first assessment that makes it possible to note the progress and adjust the objectives to move forward in the realization of our missions both with individuals and with companies and work organizations.

On October 1, 2021, Rezalliance blew its first candle in the presence of about forty members, volunteers, supporters and allies from all sides, gathered for an evening of celebration and support to ensure the future of the association.

One year, it’s celebrated!

The event was an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of a year rich in learning.

“Behind these achievements, there is a team of volunteers – a “dream team” – who have accompanied me throughout this year. They gave their time and energy in monthly or even weekly meetings. I would like to thank them all tonight, “said Joëlle Payom, Founder of Rezalliance, at the opening of the evening.

The Rezalliance association was born on October 10, 2020 with the launch of its website. In November of the same year, in the midst of the COVID-19 health crisis, Joëlle worked to build the real foundation of the ecosystem by referencing experts in the three areas at the heart of Rezalliance’s action: mental health, law and career coaching.

She contacted more than 500 practitioners from French-speaking Switzerland to assess their interest in the issues of harassment and discrimination at work, their sensitivity to diversity and inclusion issues and their ability to join the network of referenced experts. The initial referencing campaign was successful with a return rate of about 10%. On this basis, Joëlle then conducted interviews of 60 to 90 minutes with each practitioner who completed the referencing questionnaire. The opening of services was thus able to take place in April 2021 as defined in the initial plan.

Hosted by Ashley Knight as master of ceremonies, the evening was also an opportunity for members, volunteers, practitioners, and allies of the Rezalliance ecosystem, to meet in person after a year of virtual exchanges. Two artists also participated in the animation of the evening, embarking the guests on a musical world tour. Their repertoire, including sounds from different continents and cultures, resonated with the values of diversity and inclusion advocated by Rezalliance.

One year to draw the first assessment.

Thanks to the determination of its founder and the support of its many members, Rezalliance has set up a network of professionals and organizations that collaborate to preserve the integrity of the individual and strengthen inclusion in the world of work.

In order to publicize Rezalliance and its objectives, Joëlle shared the genesis of the project with the newspaper Le Temps. She also participated in podcasts that reached a wide audience. Thanks to its many actions to make the association known and its interventions with companies and institutions in the region, Rezalliance now shines in French-speaking Switzerland and beyond.

One year and the work continues…

As Joëlle recalled, there is still a long way to go to achieve the goals of Rezalliance: “preserving human integrity and strengthening inclusion at work”. The association’s Executive Committee is in full reflection to define the necessary adjustments and objectives for 2022.

As a reminder, Rezalliance offers two support programs for two audiences with different needs:

Rezalliance Care is an unprecedented assistance program, dedicated to people affected by harassment and discrimination at work. It offers beneficiaries the opportunity to be accompanied by multidisciplinary experts in the 3 key areas at the heart of the support approach designed by Rezalliance.

On the other hand, Rezalliance Consulting deploys a methodical, pragmatic and constructive approach to inclusion to support companies and organizations that are committed to putting people back at the center by developing a more inclusive and therefore more efficient work environment.

Beyond the efforts of companies and organizations, inclusion begins above all with self-work, as Béatrice Boueri, Co-President of Rezalliance, points out in her speech: “Diversity and inclusion begin with ourselves. It is a posture of openness, acceptance and benevolence towards others. At Rezalliance, each of us must be excellent in this posture. Being excellent does not mean being perfect, but doing a little better every day. We all need to improve. ”