Did you know 8?
Companies that place Diversity and Inclusion at the heart of their development strategy are 25% to 48% more profitable than their competitors. (McKinsey 2019)
In Switzerland, the human cost of occupational health is estimated at CHF 10.5 billion per year, or~ 3.2% of GDP (CUSSR – 2009)
The loss of earnings due to discrimination at work reaches €150 Billion in France, or 7% of GDP (Government – 2015).
Diversity and inclusion, these two very distinct notions, represent major issues for the health of individuals and companies alike, as well as for the economy. It’s vital to know what they mean, and to understand the mechanisms that make the journey from one to the other a steep one. This was the subject of a recent conference between Rezalliance and one of the leading banks in Switzerland and worldwide.
Making the journey with a partner of choice…
For Rezalliance, such an invitation testifies to the recognition of the added value of our collaborative and constructive approach, and positions us as the partner of choice on this extremely complex topic. Proof of the keen interest aroused by our intervention, some one hundred decision-makers and employees took an active part in the discussion. This collaboration also demonstrates the importance of acting together to overcome the many obstacles that litter the path to inclusiveness and sustainable performance.
While the desire to develop inclusive working environments seems to be shared by most employers, to achieve this we still need to give ourselves the means to profoundly transform corporate culture. This was the courage shown by our partner in opening up a taboo subject to dialogue and seeking our expertise. We tackled the barriers created by the various forms of harassment and discrimination, whose insidious mechanisms make them difficult to detect and neutralize. The exchange of views, which led to a number of questions, shows that reflection is already well underway within the banking institution.
…on a path strewn with pitfalls…
Lack of recent, detailed data
In Switzerland, the fact that there is no national study on mobbing means that it is not possible to identify potential specificities by sector of activity or company size, and thus provide an interesting perspective for defining more appropriate actions.
The statistics we do know are based on very old studies, such as those on sexual harassment available on the SECO website, which date from 2008 and reveal that in Switzerland around three out of ten women (and one out of ten men) will experience sexual harassment in the course of their working lives. In this dossier published in PME Magazine in April 2021, we discover that in neighboring countries, six out of ten women will be affected. The new survey expected in Switzerland in 2021 could well hold some surprises!
Legislative shortcomings
While the majority of EU countries share a common set of criteria (e.g. gender, age, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, disability, etc.) for condemning discrimination in the workplace, Switzerland is the exception when it comes to age. Indeed, there is no law expressly prohibiting age discrimination, a characteristic that transcends all others and will sooner or later concern every individual.Despite efforts to change the law, for the time being the status quo seems to prevail, as this article from Générations-plus.ch explains
…allows us to face up together…
The challenge: putting people at the heart of organizational performance
The impact of an effective diversity and inclusion policy is well established. The McKinsey study published in 2019 attests to the importance of seizing the subject to find innovative and pragmatic solutions to these major societal and economic challenges.
…and make the journey easier and more rewarding.
These solutions do exist, but implementing them remains a challenge for companies, given the complexity of the issue. Making the choice for inclusion is already showing courage, but to obtain tangible and lasting results, it is necessary to act together, and Rezalliance is delighted to be able to support more and more organizations in making this journey from diversity to inclusion easier and more rewarding.
Whether raising awareness of harassment and discrimination, assisting affected individuals, detecting risks, identifying opportunities or defining relevant strategies, employees and employers alike can rely on Rezalliance. Our multidisciplinary ecosystem is entirely dedicated to inclusion in the workplace, and thanks to our global, holistic and systemic approach, we bring together the diversity of expertise concentrated within Rezalliance to make inclusion rhyme with organizational performance.
Because the first step is the most important, don’t hesitate to contact us to accompany the discussion within your organization.